Steel Rule Dies
United Finishing & Die Cutting, Inc. has a complete, in-house die design, production and sample making department. Our dies are high quality and competitively priced.
For fast service, E-Mail your digital files to us at dieshop@unitedfdc.com. We can receive and send in multiple formats including; DXF, CIM, AI, DWG & EPS.
Computer Aided Design: Cimex Cimpack
United Finishing & Die Cutting, Inc. uses Cimex CimPack 12.0 software for its die layout and design.
Once your die is designed, the layout can be sent to our Sample maker for a near production quality sample or directly to our GERBER PROFILE for die production.
Gerber Profile Die Tool Production System
Once a die is designed using our CIMEX CimPack software , it is sent to our GERBER PROFILE for production.
The GERBER, with it's computerized routing system, cuts a die board with the precision of laser without the environmental concerns associated with laser.
The GERBER'S unique routing technology is fast, accurate and results in a flatter die board and tighter knife fit.